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Understanding Financial Statements for Non-finance Managers



This course is designed to provide non-financial managers and executives an understanding of how to analyse and interpret financial statements and the inter-relationship of the items in those statements. As a result of this course, you will appreciate better understanding of not only the financial statements but also how this information is being translated and used for business decisions.  The SECRETS to performance measurement, evaluating  the strength and weakness of a company is not the underlining profits but through the detailed ratios analysis and interpretations.



Suitable for managers and executives and managers who requires to interpret and evaluate financial statements.  We encourage participants to attend our course on “Finance for Non-finance Managers” to understand the basic accounting concepts if the participants have no prior knowledge on accounting and finance.




At the end of the course, the participant is able to know

  • Understand the different types of Financial Statements

  • Understand the purpose of ratios calculation

  • Understand ratios implications and interpretations of the financial statements

  • How to apply key management ratios to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation




The course will cover short lectures and discussions for the following topics:

  • Types of Financial Statements

  • Understand how financial statements are prepared, their purposes and usefulness of the following reports: Balance Sheet / Statement of Financial Position; Profit & Loss Statement / Income Statement / Statement of Comprehensive Income; Statement of Changes in Equity; Statement of Cash Flow

  • Distinction between Accrual Concept and Cash basis of financial statements preparation

  • The purpose of ratios calculation

  • Assist users of financial statements to invest, evaluate and measure performance and make informed decision

  • Ratios implications and interpretations of the financial statements

  • Analyse the trend and interpret in the areas of Liquidity, Profitability, Efficiency, Solvency and Marketability / Investment  related ratios.

  • Knowledge of the different ratios inter-relationships

  • Evaluation of performance measurement within organization, “without” organisation means competitors comparison and among industries/benchmarking

  • Apply key management ratios to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.




It will be an interactive course with a combination of group work, quizzes and games to optimize learning.




Date : 15 July 2016

        14 October 2016


Time : 9 am to 5 pm


Course Fees : S$499.00 (no GST)


Course Duration : 1 day


10% Early Bird Discount or 20% Group Discount


Productivity & Innovation Credit (PIC) claimable



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