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Design Effective Training Interventions



Training is often the first-option solution to any performance issue at the workplace. Besides training, there are other contributing factors to an organisational performance; the absence of proper support through policy and procedures, resource support or motivation of the staff through comprehensive human resource processes such as compensation. Training should only be considered when the performance gap is attributed to a lack of knowledge, skills or attitudes required for performance. The introduction of new support or resources, work processes, hiring processes or compensation may lead to a need for training. For performance and results to be sustained in the organisation, there is a need for a thorough analysis of the issues affecting performance before recommending the training intervention.


Suitable for managers and trainers who are required to examine and recommend training to resolve performance issues in the organisation. 



By the end of the training, participants will be able to:


  • Identifying causes for performance gaps.

  • Identifying purpose and goal(s) for performance improvement.

  • Identifying and selecting preferred solution for performance gap.

  • Planning and implementing training for the selected solution.




The workshop will cover short lectures and discussions for the following topics:

  • Factors which affect performance when striving towards organisation’s goals.

  • Identification and analysis of data for causes of performance gaps.

  • Identification of possible solutions and selection of a preferred solution.

  • Examination of the training needs for implementation of the selected solution.




  • Presentation, group discussions, group activities and exercises.




Date : Monday, 7 March 2016

        Tuesday, 12 May 2016


Time : 9 am to 5 pm


Course Fees : S$599.00 (no GST)


Course Duration : 1 day


10% Early Bird Discount or 20% Group Discount


Productivity & Innovation Credit (PIC) claimable


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